Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Indigo Gabbro

Indigo Gabbro in the rough.  Buzzy. Buzzy. Buzzy.
Indigo Gabbro
It's Awesomite...

So far, there is one rock on the rough rock table that is the most exciting new rock find for me in a long, long time. It's called indigo gabbro and is a type of basalt-like rock from Madagascar. Man, oh, man... if you've been in the store since mid-November, and I was aware that you were "sensitive", I have likely plopped these stones in your hands already. They don't look like much at all, but if you are remotely sensitive to rock energy, once you hold them in your hands, you'll discover that these are smack-your-fanny strong. When I first held the Indigo in both hands (on 11/11), I literally felt as if my feet were being pulled down into floor. It was such deep grounding that it feels like suction is created for higher energies to just bolt through you and into the Earth.

Indigo Gabbro is known by another "trademarked" name, which by nature of the trademark process, I will not reveal. It has been successfully marketed in the metaphysical population by this alternative name, but the actual mineralogical name of the stone is "indigo gabbro". I described rose quartz once as being a non-dramatic, gentle stone that was NOT like a wizard with sparks flying off its fingers. Well, indigo gabbro IS the wizard with sparks flying off its fingers. You can buy it for $5 a hunk at the store, sold by its proper name, or you can pay 28 times that amount for the same stone under the "metaphysically marketed" name. Whatever. You have choices and choices are good.  It's all awesomite to me.

Click here to see juicy pebbles at etemetaphysical.com.
I have worked with the indigo gabbro since November and it's one of the best "technical workers" I've ever seen.  If you do any kind of energy healing, energy channeling, Reiki, global lightwork, or so on, you would greatly amplify the "gush" moving through you if you held an indigo gabbro in each hand.  The downward spiral vortex that it creates directly beneath you makes YOU a potent bridge or anchor of higher vibrational energies moving through you and into the Earth.  If you are doing energy work on someone else, have THEM hold the two stones and it will suck far more of a flow of energy through you than usual.  The same movement of energy that the indigo gabbro facilitates seems to  align you with your core Pillar of Light and allows you to be in perfect balance and harmony between the spiritual and the physical.  It's hard to see from the photos, but indigo gabbro isn't just black.  It's got flashes of violet, white, gold, all sorts of stuff going on in there.  Would you believe that they make kitchen counter tops out of this stuff? 

The second "hot" protocol for using indigo gabbro is by allowing the downward spiral vortex it creates to help you attune fully to any other rock energy.  If you hold one indigo gabbro in your right hand (or whichever one you feel is your grounding hand...) and then hold whatever other rock in your left hand, you will wash your entire energy field in the vibration of the stone in your alternate hand.  This is a pretty big deal, actually.  Imagine the range of applications.  The indigo gabbro would modulate whatever energy, even moldavite, to a usable format within your system.  Very, very useful.

I also very much like the indigo gabbro in crystalline grids.  I haven't had pieces small enough for your average table top grid, but I did put a super large grid together at a workshop the other month at the Prama Institute.  The grid was intended to be an Love/Earth Healing grid that about 20 yoginis and I anchored through to send love to the planet.  I had a large rose quartz flame at the center, large selenite rods as the spokes in the wheel, large natural labradorite, with some other smaller stones... but under--and in alignment with--the grid on the table, I had 7 large hunks of indigo gabbro that I got from the warehouse that were probably 5 lbs each.  It was a powerful experience, and when we left the building that night, I saw a large vortex that was visible, reaching far above the building and into the sky--even though the grid had been taken down.    I suspect that the indigo gabbro's deep downward spiral vortex action takes crystalline grid energy fields and imprints them on the Earth Herself, even after the stones are physically absent.  Could the indigo gabbro facilitate permanent bridges of Light to be anchored into the Earth?  I don't know, but it's a working theory at the moment.  When I learn more, I'll yack about it.

Potent stuff.  Amazing technical workers.  Yeah, don't take my word for it though.  Head on over to the rough rock table in the store and just put two in your hands and "let it rip".  We do have some available on eBay for my friends that are not local, but they are the 5 lb pieces .  Still... very nice.  If you get one big hunk, try using that as the center stone in a grid, or under the table of a smaller grid in alignment with the center of the top grid.  Trust me, you'll see what I mean.  Not subtle.  You could also take one of those 5lb hunks and put it directly under a massage table during sessions or under a chair during Reiki attunements (definitely awesome).  Play with it.  I am hoping that on Nader's next trip to Madagascar, he will get much more of this material in smaller sizes so that we can grid them in normal sized grids.  Ooooo.

Christopher and I have a brand new website and blog. :)  I'm going to leave archived blog articles up in here, but all new articles will be published under the new site.

Our new website is here:

Our new blog, which we have integrated together, is here:


  1. I bought one big tumblestone of these. As I walked home, I felt massively drawn into the earth - so much I had to lie down in a nearby park!!! Then this spoke to me about my soul purpose, but super intense! Actually it swallowed my ego for a short time pointing towards my soul. I have massive respect for this stone. I know it makes no prisoners!

  2. Hello,
    I bought a small rock last week and wore it in a medicine-bag overnight - I woke up the next morning knowing *exactly* what I needed to do in order to address my current health-issue, which was a very drastic measure indeed! I was not expecting such a kick-in-the-pants - I originally found out about Indigo Gabbro via it's "other name" online, and in most places it says that the stone works gradually... I'd say anything but!! It gave me the strength to take the actions needed.
    I just wanted to express my gratitude about finding your personal experience with this stone online. I think its important for people to share their own experiences with a stone, instead of the all-to-common copy-and-paste method used by so many online stores. Thanks for your great article on Awesomite!!!

  3. Hi, I just found this. Nothing newer than July 2015 on the blog, ?

  4. Hi Marsha, I have another blog that is on etemetaphysical.com, but it's true that I don't always have a lot of time to write. I try... thanks for the gentle prompt to get off my keester to write more. :)

  5. Hi there,
    I realize im probably 5 years too late with this question,lol. But where can i find Giant pieces of Indigo Gabbro, like you were describing you used in your Grid?! I can only seem to find 5lb lots of smaller stones. Id love 1 giant stone! Thanks so much

  6. Hi there,
    I realize im probably 5 years too late with this question,lol. But where can i find Giant pieces of Indigo Gabbro, like you were describing you used in your Grid?! I can only seem to find 5lb lots of smaller stones. Id love 1 giant stone! Thanks so much

  7. I need this! I've been drawn to everything Indigo lately, now this. Planetary shift's are waxing heavy. The 'dark lords' have had their way long enough. We must however thank them for flexing and opposing our spiritual muscles, making us stronger. That's their purpose. Just as we go to the gym to impose resistance and opposition on our physical muscles, emotional and spiritual opposition and resistance do the same for us, relatively. For those who avoid darkness at all cost, how do they think one can bring light into darkness by avoiding it? If all a person can see are shadow's, they have their back to the light indeed. I will be interested in knowing of your products, please let me know what you have available. Thanks, great information.
