Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to Care for Your Rocks

Laughing Carnelian Heart
Gratitude Rocks

I wanted to spend a moment to talk about having gratitude and providing care and maintenance for your hard-working, sparkly rock friends.  It's just good manners to give before you take, right?  The same rules that apply to your human friends also applies to your rocks.  You don't want to show up demanding service without also considering, well... their needs.  In the spirit of all of creation being a part of the Universal Mind, and especially if you are using your rocks for spiritual and healing purposes, it just makes heart-sense to treat your tools with a sense of kindness and respect. 

Every rock that you have in your collection began first as a part of Mother Earth, a special alchemical dance of the elements and unique geological properties of the region of origin, and perhaps even a unique dance of some kind of sentient, Gaia-linked devic consciousness.  Lord knows, I spent a lot of time 'whispering' or 'reading' rocks to figure out how to best work with them and there were quite a few that I would describe as "somebody being home" in a direct or semi-direct way.  Native Americans often refer to rocks as "Stone People" and I can see why.  It's a rather beautiful and poetic way of viewing how things work, don't you think? 

The Crystal Care Series

Let's talk a little about the gratitude part.  We know that rocks are mined and taken from their original locations.  Sometimes the people doing the mining are respectful human beings and sometimes they are butt-heads with shovels, who don't have an evolved bone in their body (yet).  That's just the truth of the matter.  One of the first things I do when I interact with a new stone or crystal is to run, what I call "The Crystal Care Series".  The Crystal Care Series is a direct energy download that I assembled and refined many years ago as a way to initiate well-rounded healing/gratitude work on behalf of the "Stone People" that was quick and efficient. 

It's super simple to use.  Simply hold your rock, or intentionally designate the rocks to which you would like to direct the work, such as "all the rocks in a rock shop" that you are walking through, or "that mountain yonder"... or whatever... and say, "I request to initiate the Crystal Care Series for this rock (or whatever rock/s), now please." 

For your personal rocks, it's nice to hold them for the process because if you are energetically tactile (aka: feeling the buzz), you'll be able to feel the energies begin, build, then wane when it is completed.  The intentions that are compiled in this automatic download include every imaginable care, cleansing, purification, rectification of human misuse or tampering (irradiation, color treatment, etc.), misaligned previous energy work/programming, energetic depletion/exhaustion, then the good stuff of adding whatever appropriate energetics or upgrades that are in Divine Alignment, as well as Love and Gratitude and any kind of Earth Healing necessary for the rock and the ~place of origin~ from where it was mined, as well as sending support for those mining in that area to evolve and grow into better non-butt-head kind of people.  I spent a few years upgrading and refining the intentions of The Crystal Care Series and I find that barring a rock's personal preference for some other kind of care... it seems to do the job pretty well. 

If you don't care to try The Crystal Care Series, please do send Love and Gratitude to your rock, as well to the land from which it came, in whatever way makes sense to you and your personal beliefs and traditions.  It's just nice to be nice.

How Do You Know When to Administer Care?

There are quite a few more traditional ways to provide care and maintenance for your pretty, precious sparklies, but how do you know when they want and need some good old TLC?  You can use a few strategies.  Routine times for care include the instances of when the rock is new to your collection, is about to be used for work, or after it has done bouts of work, and so on.  I used to do routine care once a month during the full moon, but I abandoned that when it began taking me fifty trips back and forth to my deck to put them outside.  (Plus, I'm pretty sure that the raccoons snaked a few of my precious ones during some full moon care sessions!)  

When I dropped the monthly full moon care, I made an agreement with my collection that if anyone needed special care that they could "flash themselves to me", in my mind's eye, to let me know that they needed some care.  At that point I would fetch the stone who was looking for my attention and simply ask what kind of care it wanted.  That method still seems to work for me.  So, my strategy was to provide routine care for newbies and anyone about to work, or who had been to work... and then the rest could send me a memo.

Other Care and Maintenance Techniques  

OK, there are so many ways to care for your rocks that you can either do what is convenient, what moves you, or what your rocks seem to want.  The following list may not be exhaustive...and if you have a fun way to care for your crystals that isn't on the list, by all means, leave a comment and share it with your fellow sparkly lovers.

Soaking in the Rays:
Full Moon/New Moon Soak
Sunshine Soak (some crystals fade in sunlight)
Rainbow (if you can catch em!)
Reiki/Channeled Energy
Flower Essence/Vibrational Elixirs

Taking a Dip in Water:
Faucet (well water)
Fresh Water (lake, stream)
Ocean/Salt Water
Fountain Time

Smudging (with white sage or other ceremonial cleansing herb)
Energy Breath/Reiki Breath

Deck Time (time outside through mulitple days)
Tree Time (resting by the roots of a tree)

Company/Cluster/Rock Specific Clearing:
Hanging with Other Crystals
Sand Time for Crystals (being in sand is like being back in the cluster for quartz points)
Hanging on a Quartz Cluster
Hanging on Selenite
Hanging in Sea Salt or Super Duper Selenite Salt Crystal Clearing Sand (see recipe below)
Hanging in a Potted Plant

Recipe for Stacie's Super Duper Selenite Crystal Clearing Sand
Modify proportions to your liking.  My stones LOVED this mixture.  You can even attune the sand to Reiki so that it radiates healing energy too.
Bits of Selenite
Dried Rose Petals
Sea Salt
Powered Red Sandalwood

And... would you all join me in a great big hug and Thank You to Madagascar!  Thank You Madagascar!!!!!  We love you! Muah!

Christopher and I have a brand new website and blog. :)  I'm going to leave archived blog articles up in here, but all new articles will be published under the new site.

Our new website is here:

Our new blog, which we have integrated together, is here:


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Core Crystal Points from Madagascar

Core Crystal Points from Madagascar

OK, a full reading has finally been done on these amazing quartz points from Madagascar.  They are a new find, so my rock buddies and I sat down and did our best to juice out the energies. 

I think the physical characteristics of these crystals, namely the white hexagonal layers that sometimes contain a light teal central core, speak to the purpose of these crystals quite nicely. 

I believe that these crystals assist with "Divine Core Alignment".   

Core Crystal with Two Hexagonal Layers

Core Crystal with Two Hexagonal Layers and a Teal Center

The first thing that everyone noticed who experienced these crystals was that they had a very potent first pass.  Some of my whispering buddies even had to put their crystal down for a moment because they were a bit overwhelmed by it.  The sensation was that the crystals facilitated a "turning on" of lights within, or that they had an activational component.  I have noticed that the "big buzz" sensation has now calmed down quite a bit when I pick up the crystals, as if I have been attuned to the energies in a permanent way.  In other words, it shifted my vibrations to be closer to it... so that it no longer feels like new buzz.  It feels like... well, me.  This makes sense if the crystals help us to attune to our Core Selves, right?  It wouldn't think it would feel foreign to be be brought into greater alignment with higher parts of yourself, eh?

A Gaggle of Core Crystals Hanging Out Under the Rough Table.

If you aren't looking at the base of the crystal, they look somewhat milky, but otherwise normal.  I've asked Nader about the teal central core on some of them and he seems to think that it is the beginning of a chlorite phantom.  Yeah, I don't know about that.  It feels more like ajoite than chlorite, but Madagascar rocks have stumped me before.  It definitely looks more teal than green to me.  Whatever.  The teal core is amazing, but so are the ones that just have the hexagonal layers.  I don't think I've ever seen that before on a crystal.

Side View.  Is there a face on the left one? A bunny face? Wha?

OK, so Divine Core Alignment work.  Who knew.  This does speak immediately to personal spiritual evolution.  How you are brought into alignment with the systems of yourself means a couple of things.  First, Divine Core Alignment would suggest how you are aligned with layers of your Soul Self, up to and including your Higher Self (or however you define that).  The visual that I got was of those Russian nesting dolls being placed back into configuration.  When you are in greater alignment with those other aspects of yourself, you can more easily toggle, such as having a doorway or connection, between those perspectives of wisdom.  Second, Divine Core Alignment also speaks to how you are oriented within greater systems, such as with your spouse, your family, your friends, and your network of connections... as well as all other systems, including animal, plant, mineral systems.  Divine Core Alignment has everything to do with how you are woven into the web of creation.

There were two images that repeated between multiple people (we didn't share until we were done receiving images) that I think are worth sharing... an eagle and a pyramid.  I consulted a couple of symbol books and thought it would be interesting to share. 

Pyramid, as described by the Women's Sacred Symbols and Objects, is a meeting place between deities and mortals, is the structure at the core of a city, is considered "gates of the gods", also is the symbol for fire.  It may have represented a volcanic cone.  In Greek, pyramid means, spirit, thoughts, symbol, or idea of fire.  To me, this translates as the place where the regular you and the Divine You get together and where you can pass through the layers, or gates, to access Divine Wisdom.  Fire is activational or purifying, so perhaps there is that activational quality we felt so strongly.

As far as the Eagle imagery, I read something in "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews on page 141, that I thought was a perfect summary of the energies of these crystals:

"To align oneself with Eagle medicine is to take on the responsibility and the power of becoming so much more than you now appear to be.  From a karmic aspect, it reflects that the events will now fly faster, and the repercussions for everything you think, do or say (or fail to think, do or say)--positive and negative--will be both stronger and quicker.  To accept the Eagle as totem is to accept a powerful new dimension to life, and a heightened responsibility for your spiritual growth.  But only through doing so do you learn how to move between worlds, touch all life with healing, and become the mediator and bearer of new creative force within the world."

How to work with the crystals:
I recommend that you "key" the crystal first, by imagining a line of light connecting your 3rd Eye to the inside of the crystal.  Imagine sliding a key down that line and into the crystal, providing the crystal with your soul signature as a way to "unlock" further work.  It's basically a way to say, "Hi, I'm here.  Do we have work to do together?" 

Then, request Divine Core Alignment work... such as by saying, "I request to initiate Divine Core Alignment, now please."

You can also take it to other systems...
"I request to initiate Divine Core Alignment with my spouse, now please."
...or my family...
...or my friend group and network of connection...
...or with the animal kingdom...
...or with the plant kingdom...
...or...with... well...whatever........ God, Creation, whatever you feel like you should be brought into proper core alignment.

See what I mean... pretty potent stuff.  You might even be able to do it through the photo of the crystals.  It's worth a shot.

:)  Let me know how it goes!! 

The crystals are currently under the rough rock table at Enter the Earth in the Grove Arcade in downtown Asheville, NC.  I'm sorta hiding them from people who are not energy workers because there just isn't more than a couple dozen at this point.  They probably can do their own duck and look uninteresting from the masses, but still.  Nader, the owner of Enter the Earth, said that the next time he went to Madagascar (which is just a few weeks away) that he would look for more.  If we get more, we are going to send the crystal away to see what the teal core part is.  I hope he can get more.  These crystals feel pretty dang special.

Christopher and I have a brand new website and blog. :)  I'm going to leave archived blog articles up in here, but all new articles will be published under the new site.

Our new website is here:

Our new blog, which we have integrated together, is here: